You work at a company where the shunting of trains and wagons is the basis of the maintenance or logistics process. The processes in the company run well, but the world is changing.
Growth and new regulations are changing the demands on the processes. Environmentally friendly, safety and efficiency are becoming increasingly important requirements both inside the company, and outside.
You know that your current shunting equipment is no longer adequate. Both your colleagues and your customers wish and demand better shunting solutions. This allows you to work in a more environmentally friendly and safer way.
At the moment all machines are working. But if something goes wrong, the processes fail with all their consequences for safety, environment and planning. You want to create a healthy and safe workplace for your team. At the same time, you long for a smooth-running, environmentally friendly and reliable process. So that no money is lost.
Prevent accidents and prepare yourself for the future in the field of battery-driven shunting devices.